
Gaming institution design

Justification of DAO: Using IAD Framework and Cybernetics Theory

  1. Network as a public good 1.1. the nature of platform
  1. justification of the automomous and decentralized goverrnance

    2.1. cybernetic system, viable system model and intelligent organization (trust)

  2. observational report: meta analysis of DAO practice and gamification of governance

    3.1. impact DAO

    3.2. DAO standardize- ERC4824 - the API of governance layer 3.3 gamification of community governance

behavior: self-govern, exit, reporosity

reflection (self_note)


One example from Ostrom's work is the management of fisheries. In an open-access fishery, fishers might act in their own self-interest by catching as many fish as they can, without considering the impact on the fish population. This overfishing can lead to a decline in fish stocks and eventually the collapse of the fishery, which is detrimental to the livelihoods of fishers and the sustainability of the ecosystem.

The dichotomy between markets and government has long been considered the optimal structure for managing resources. Markets excel at producing and exchanging private goods, while a single government department is believed to provide public goods most efficiently. This perspective posits that a hierarchical government is necessary for guiding citizens and officials towards the efficient production of public goods, such as peace and security. However, this binary approach fails to account for the complex dynamics within private enterprises and the diverse range of institutional arrangements that humans use to manage public goods and common-pool resources.

Traditional solutions have encountered challenges in addressing issues that the government/market framework is ill-equipped to handle. One such challenge is the limited understanding of governments in certain situations, such as farmers' decision-making processes regarding arable land allocation. Additionally, market-provided solutions can lead to severe negative externalities that hinder social collaboration and further development. As a result, alternative approaches have been explored to better address these shortcomings.